God’s Measuring Cup
This week I finished a study of the book of Jeremiah. In one of the final chapters, Jeremiah describes the judgment of Babylon. Part of...
Disoriented: Losing the Hope of Dawn
I recently trained as a literacy tutor through the public library system and have begun meeting regularly with an English learner....
What I learned reading books 3 times
The last few weeks I have had the privilege of facilitating a class call "Growing Your Faith through Reading Christian Biographies." When...
Voodoo and the Haitian World View
Introduction In Haiti, the presence of Voodoo is a pervasive undercurrent in daily life. But its influence becomes especially pronounced...
God at Work in Ethiopia
Ethiopia will quickly stretch out her hands to God. Psalm 68:31 The African land of Ethiopia, called Cush in the Old Testament, is...
Thoughts on Liberia
Recently, Liberia has been in my thoughts and on my heart. I find when the Lord stirs my heart to learn about a country, I suddenly seem...
A New Season
It is time to take up the virtual pen once more. Three years ago I took a class at Santa Barbara City College to learn about Web site...